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영문 PR보도자료 적어봤다! 혹시 필요하면 다들 사용 고고

윌리안 title: K리그_new윌리안 1373 0


https://fcseoulite.me/free/28835879 복사

Headline: Deplorable Conduct at K-League Derby: Incheon United Fans’ Barbaric Assault on FC Seoul Players with Water Bottles

GIF 최적화 GIF 원본 다운로드19.00M > 2.44M


In a shameful exhibition of violence and lack of sportsmanship, Incheon United supporters hurled nearly a hundred water bottles at FC Seoul players, marking a disturbing low point in the K-League's history. This appalling incident unfolded at the Incheon Football Stadium after FC Seoul clinched a dramatic 2-1 victory in the hotly contested derby on May 11, 2024.


The chaotic and dangerous scene erupted in the tense moments following the game. Notably, the aggression wasn't limited to the supporters; Incheon United's players also displayed unusual hostility during the match. Gerso Fernandes, one of Incheon’s players, was sent off for striking FC Seoul's Choi Jun in the face, adding to the overall aggression on the field. The air was thick with a barrage of flying water bottles, with nearly a hundred bottles raining down, some striking Seoul players with devastating force. The most serious of these strikes downed former Swansea, Newcastle, and Celtic player, Ki Sung-yueng, Seoul's captain, who was hit directly in a vulnerable area, underscoring the potential lethality of the supporters’ reckless behavior.


Ki's subsequent comments highlighted the gravity of the attack, denouncing it as "dangerous" and "capable of causing real harm." The sentiments of disgust and condemnation were shared across the board by team officials and the wider sports community.


In the face of such violence, Incheon United's response was woefully inadequate. Their issued apology, while quick, failed to directly address the victims—FC Seoul players and their supporters. This glaring omission has only intensified the backlash against the club, with many accusing them of a lack of genuine remorse and responsibility.


This incident has not only scarred the match's outcome but also called into question the security measures at sports events, highlighting a disturbing disregard for player safety that could have had even more catastrophic consequences. The Korean Professional Football Players Association and FIFPRO have voiced their severe concerns, calling for immediate and stringent measures to safeguard the athletes.


The reaction from both the public and the professional community has been one of unanimous shock and reproach. The actions of Incheon United fans, far removed from acceptable fan behavior, reflect a dangerous escalation in sports spectator aggression that must be addressed decisively. The club’s and league’s response in the coming days will be critical in restoring faith in the safety and integrity of Korean football. As this situation develops, it stands as a stark reminder of the essential human decency and respect that must underpin all sporting engagements.


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